Friday, March 31, 2006

pie sslob spies bol.

p o s s i b l e
sp. bi, sole.

bless poi!
pose blis'!
plei boss-
bloe piss!
soep bils,
ssop bile.
loss, b pei-
s.o.b.s pile!!
slo, be sip-
boils e.s.p.
lobes, psi-
lips, so be.
sp. bi sole-
slopie b.s.?
sis b pole.

eb low, bel wo!!

wo! bel
blew o!!

be owl-
blew o
b wel, o!!
web lo!
we bol?
lewb, o!!
-el bow.

ceal gy.


c eagyl,
ace gyl-
cage yl!!
lyc age,
cy glea!
lac gye,
c gal ye!
gae lyc,
yac gel-
y cegal?
gay cel!
c gayle,
egy cal-
gaely c?
c y eg al!!

acword cord aw = coward

awd cor
arc wo'd

dr waco
wac rod
worcd a
cor wad
awd roc
c wroad
c d arow
wr coad
c a word
wo darc
wac dor
owd arc
rad cow
wocd ra
co ward
co draw
a crowd
c war od
c arowd
c ar wod

stré pen pen rest.

pst!! eer 'n

spent er
sent pèr
enter sp.
prnt see
respet 'n
net r.e.s.p.
ernest p
ster pen
per sent
sent rep
nest r'pe
step ern
en stripe
seen tr'p
pre sent
pés rent
t persen
ernt e.s.p.
erns pet
p'ns tree

Thursday, March 30, 2006

icon at action. i can to!!

coat in
cotin? a
cin to a

toc in a
tic nao-
no atic?
inc tao!
on a tic,
a ton, i c.
ait onc-
c, i on t!!
cot, in a
ion act-
i act on,
o inact!!
i c toan,
in a cot-
ac' noti?
i canot!
can toi
a tonic?
o canti!!
not aic,
coan ti!
a toc in,
act on i.

mrs tone sent'r om.

som tern
on terms

ster nom-
mr steno,
terns om.
e = m(rt son)
ném sort-
ernt som,
né morts.
sort men,
set norm-
mr 'onest,
né storm!
son term,
men rost!
snort me,
ern most!
met 'orns!
mer snot,
e.t. morns.
mt. snore,
rts. mone-
r.e.m. tons,
mr stone!
mes torn?
mor nest!
mon rest.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

alt.mouse mutes a.o.l.

sl'eau mot
meals out.
e=m(at soul)

a mole stu,
meal u sot!
melo as tu,
u same lot!
tao musel,
sumo tale-
maul toes,
tumo sale!
to aum sel,
ume o salt!
am solute,
o use malt!
oust al me!
u me stoal-
slue at om,
sum a tole.
u ame lost,
mots lae u-
u ale most,
also me to.
u tel soma,
ame tu slo!
e-alms out,
u lae mots!
seul atom,
alto muse-
me as toul-
malot use.
eat o slum,
ame stoul-
u met a sol,
mas to ule!
a sol tum-e,
o u'l steam!
as to mule,
u slo team.
a lo sumet,
sute olam-
soul team,
a sole tum.
l'eau mots,
moat slue-
soul meat?
a smel to u!!

busker. b sure, k?

beks*, ur

b.s. krue,
rek bus!
u.k. 'erbs,
kerb us!
b.s. kure,
erks- bu!!
ser buk,
eb skru!

gil e. nori, gone irli. (one giirl reli on g.i.)

"rein goil"
on regiil,
inir lego.

el grin "oi", in glorie-
eon girli, gil e. nori.
inir gole, enir-g loi-
neil orgi ligne roi.
ol enirgi
g.i., lo!- rein rei, in glo.
log in ire, nil e-gori-
roling ie., il ignor-e.
gei loner, grein oli-
ego nilir, ern i-goli.
grin olei! gone irli!
eir glo in- ion gerli.
inor geil, ogil rein-
neil gori? roil gein!
girlie no, eir lingo-, lei ringo!
i rig noel! lei groin!
girl, i one, egir loin!!
re lig ion, glo in eir-
one giirl, i, on gleir.

goy i i yo' g.

g.i. yo

yo! gi-
y go "i"?
y 'i' go-
igo, y?

bom dey bye dom.

obeyd 'm
by mode.

my bod-e,
mob éyd-
e-byd m.o.-
om béyd.
by mode,
do by me-
me b.y.o.d.
ye bomd,
my bode-
bom dye,
b my ode.

o my! bed!
body me-
ey o.b., m.d.
ye bod'm,
'm obeyd-
yom bed,
bo meyd.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

b in hed.

hed'n bi
in 'db' eh?

i bhend,
inh bed,
he bind!
hen bid,
bi endh-
b hiden?
hi bend!!

winter ew-tirn.

wet'r in

rewt in,
new rit-
ti rewn,
we'r nit!!
tew nir,
twin er-
ewn rit?
win ter!!
in trew-
r twine,
tri new!!
wine rt.!
wi tern?-
n' wite, r
wit, ern.

chirp gaga pirch.

g.p. chair
pig char.

hi c, par 'g',
i c graph!
harc, pig!-
c giraph!
hag pric,
'g' chi rap-
gai, p'rch
rich gap!!
hi parc 'g',
arc phig-
rag chip?
c ha-p rig!

daims, maids, d'amis!!

is a m.d.

sad mi,
i'm das*-
ms!, aid
mid as'!!
mad is,
mas' di!!
dis ma,
dams i!!
si! a'dm
is mad!-
dim as',

c.n. hora.

horc an

hor can
can roh!!
hoc ran,
ran cho.
roach 'n
roc ahn!!
or anch?-
ohn arc,
ho ranc!!

ch' solo, oos ch'l. cool, sh!!

c holos.
sh!!... loco.

sh!!... looc-
hol soc.
sh!!... cool,
sol hoc!
schooll choos,
hoc slo-
c shool?
shoc, lo.

hec ink, he cink.

nek ich
'n kiche,

kin che,
in chek-
ick! hen,
in heck!
hi neck,
niche k?
chek in,
kinc, eh?
hike'n c,
né hick-
kic! hen-
né chik!

ie. vast.

save it!!

east i.v.-
tea siv,
sei a.t.v.
ai vest-
vast ei,
via est.
i sea t.v.,
via set-
t, i save,
a viset?

ad her.

a dr, he
aer hd.

rad, eh?
r head!
"ha" red!!
her da-
d hare,
herd "a"!

met bedi.

me d-beit
emti bed.

mid beet,
bed mite-
teem bid,
med bite.
bet meid,
bited me-
meit ebd,
timed be.
meet bid,
bet dime,
it beemd-
bed time!

Monday, March 27, 2006

baird thy i.d. by hart.

bi, had try,
at hybrid,

i hyrt bad,
ayd birth!
bary'd hit,
bayd irth.
ah, by dirt,
b hit yard!
hid, by tar-
i, thy bard!
ad thy rib!
ti-dy' brah!
d.i.y. t-barh,
hit by dra!
thy, a bird,
hi byd art-
y rid bath?
i byd hart!
thy rabid,
bait hyrd-
thy braid,
by a third!
dirby hat,
hyd rabit-
hi, by dart,
ryd habit!
tryb i had,
ad bryt hi!
had by rit,
a birth dy.
b thy rabi,
b'd thy air-
a y'd brith?
ty-d b hair!

payouts? autopsy? u sa typo.

tao pus-y
yous a.t.p.

u sy atop,
stop a yu-
yup, oats,
stay pou.
at soupy,
o syt upa!!
y pas out?
toy supa!!
oust yap,
say pout-
you spat,
a spy out.
yus a pot?
pasty! ou!
au to pys,
past you!

as salt and battery. for donna karan.


y end ki?
ye dink-
keyn i.d.,
dye ink.
kind ye,
yen kid-
dyke in,
nek yid.
iky end,
nike, dy-
dye kin,
ie. dkny.
deny ki-
dynke i,
kid'n ye.

clit earn renal tic.

c etirnal
'n recital.

cit, learn,
near clit-
in rectal,
ancer lit.
inert lac,
lernt aic-
central i,
ernt laic.
arc inlet,
let c rain-
nit celar,
cel train.
lit carne,
ticl earn,
art in cel.
retinal c,
arte linc-
i c al tern,
alert inc.
rite clan,
intl race-
liter can,
nil trace.
tri clean,
clear, tin,
alter cin!

g = mc2

il cog?
i c log.
g loci,
go lic-
i c glo,
ogil c-
clog i,
coil g.

sty's me.

s.m. syte
sets my

s.s. tyme, messy t-
se myst, syst me.
'y's stem, ty mess-
e-mysts, mts. yes.
sys met, sstem y-
me ssyt, mt. ssye.



p lupi?
-il pup.
i ppul,
pil up.
lipp, u,
pulp, i-
pu, pil?
-pup li.

naive evian

a vine,
a vain.

envi, a
ave. in-
an 'e' i.v.,
i, evan.

by pimp.


re: who?
we'r ho-
wo! her!

e.t. flu.

le tuf

luft e
felt u
u left
t flue
ful te
t' fule
let f.u.
t' fuel

Sunday, March 26, 2006

stori to risotto. (jesus jambalaya)

roi tot's

soir, tot
stoo rit-
o to stir,
soro tit!
ti torso,
sit root-
tri soot,
si troot.

rice clone ccrie lone.

core e-linc.

one circle,
ccore line-
ccoil neer!
cee nil roc,
in lo creec-
eel in croc,
inor cleec.
rice clone,
coin cleer-
cloc in eer!
once relic,
reel in coc-
creole inc,
leeric noc!

sacred ha

red casha

sad acher
ads chear
seac hard
shac dear
sea chard
sharc ade
hara decs
arc shade
sacred ha
ads reach
rad sheac
dras each
head scar
dash race
casa herd
hard case
ears d'hac
had scare
dash care

shiatsu asist hu?

i shat us
sushi at
a sis hut.

ash suit,
iss a hut-
u ti sash,
as i shut.
haut sis,
ssaut hi-
hu stais
as shut i.
us haist,
hiss at u-
i ash sut,
sai tush,
ash its u-
u hit ass,
shit as u!

totyl gun, nyl goutt.

g'oul tynt,
gyltt uno.

ugly nott,
notty glu-
gutt only
gyltt on u.
unytt glo,
ttl young-
gut toyl'n,
yl ttongu.
lyntt gou,
lyt unto g-
nutt ogyl,
g l u t t o n y.

star dust

dr status
dust arts

art sstud,
sat sturd-
du arttss!
ass tturd!
a s.t.d. 'urts-
sad rustt.
tart suds-
ads trust.
st d'sutra,
dartss tu-
star dust
sstart'd u!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

frale gut fear glut.

lafter gu-
ru get laf.

true flag, fate gurl-
gae flurt, gate furl.
glut fear, aft gruel-
urge t' laf, 'g' art fuel.
tag fleur, flag rute-
letur fag, rag flute.
tug 'f real, u gal fret?
a felt rug, al furget!
laugfter, gulft ear-
regal, tuf, luft gear.
ful! great! turf égal-
feral gut, frute gal.

Friday, March 24, 2006



arid mer,
dri mear;
ma rride,
mid earr.
rread mi,
rad rime!
am rredi-
darer, i'm.
rade rim,
mid rear-
d'air r.e.m.
mi dearr!!

soaked o.k. sead.

asked o'
sea dok.

od akes?
dok sae,
"do sake,
a dose, k?"
as kode?
"od kase-
sak ode."

us one m.c.

com sune.
c one sum,
e = m (co-sun).

musec on!
come sun!
us come'n,
cums one.
co menus-
suc! mone!
um, scone.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

feltt ruby flutter by.

ryfle butt
luft trybe

frutty bel, blurtt 'y'fe!
fyte trubl,
bettur lyf.
fleur bytt, flytte bru-
beu-t lyftr, lyfe b ttru!
b fleurtty, flutter by-
ful brytte,



us plé
up sel
u spel

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

serv on u.

or venus?

evor sun,
rev nous-
son rune,
ern vous.

hary pet eat phyr.

try hap-e heart py
at hyper therapy.

tap hyre, hear pyt-
ye phart, aer phyt!
a ryte ph, earthy p-
phyt era therapy.
rap hyte, pry heat-
phare ty, hyt reap.
ha e-tryp, yer path-
hype art, pey rath.
a phyter, phear ty-
hert yap, trap hye!
eat ryph , pray thé-
harp tye party, eh?
thy pare, type rah-
"they" rap, prety, ah?

(p.y.t.- hear
art yphe!!)

Friday, March 17, 2006

moksha 'c'r

mor cash, k?

ok charms,
rock mash.
hark mosc!-
com krash.
sh... am rock,
arms koch-
ohm racks,
ram shock.

a shoulder to crypt on.

du her slo
slured ho

hold sure, lush rode!
soul d'her, hurls ode.
lord's hue, led hours-
sourd hel, held ours.
lose hurd! rule d sho!
ure holds, dru shel o.
rush dole, hed o slur-
sher loud, sol du her!
du her slo, us holder-
louder sh.. soul herd,

Thursday, March 16, 2006


orall g.i. roil gal
gro all i lo rigal
lil g ora log lair
glori al ogll air
all orgi ralli go
gorilla l'air glo

dri penis pisd rein.

nerd i spi

dr in i e.s.p.
prides in
spine dir.
iner dips
ripens id
spin ride
rids pein
i red spin
spind eir
e in drips
ripd sine
resin dip
pi's diner
densir pi

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

sea weed we'd see.

wake ma!!
aw kame.

ame wak,
mak wae-
me awak,

trial ye, alryte i.

arty lei,

irate ly?"
-air lyte
ye trail.
"i yel art!!
y later, i?"
-it early.
"lae i try,
liar, yet
y ear lit?"
-rely at i,
ye ar lit.

lite ray,
rite lay-
relay it!

waidrz wadirz.

raw, di-z
dr waiz,
drawz i.

warz di!
i waz dr.
wardz, i
id'z war
waz rid.
a-z wird
draz wi.
rad wiz!!

a lousy ej.

a yelo jus.

aly jouse,
joy au sel-
yu aje slo!
as you jel.
saje ol yu,
joy salue!
joyus ale,
so-lay jue.
jale so yu!
joyus lae!
say joule!
y'al use oj.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i c neet sex.

see! i c next

exist ceen!
ex sent ice-
exit scene,
sex entice!
cinx teese,
seen xcite-
seex ncite.

e = m (id tu)

i muted

tum ide
time du
muted i
medi tu
mi duet
duti me
id mute
meitd u
du me ti
tu me di

ie. coral calorie are loci.

recoil a
ear coil

eco rali, era coil-
i core al, acre oil.
e air loc, are loci-
i c oral e, cal ore i.
real coi,
lace roi-
core lai, race loi.
ear loci, eco lair,
clear o i, oli care.
o cireal, rice ola,
oracle i, eir cola.
a lore i c, air o cel-
calorie, ora ciel!!

oz tram.

az mort

mr a to z
o zmart
om tzar

there's no place like homage*.

mega ho

mage ho,
gem o "ah!"
oh game,
me go "ha!!"
ham ego,
ohm age-
me hog a

*for anal alan

Monday, March 13, 2006

u tease'r.

see a tru stauree
u are set austere

set urea ears tue
u see art sae true
eat sure user tea
steer au ur at see
eer at us
rut ease
sea rute au trees
rue east eau rest
austere u are est

Sunday, March 12, 2006

backwards is for words.

One word is
a thousand pictures.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


mz boi

bom! iz

ibm oz-
om biz,
i'm boz.

Cat Scan spots pussy.

C Timer

mr CiTe
r.e.m. TiC,
CT rime-
mi TreC,
iT mer-C-
e = m(C*Tri)
TriC me.


yu nit unity.

unity ~ all calm in tension.

in tension. all calm. unit e.
intention, all community.
intention all calm? unity.
intentional community.
in tension all calm unity.

formula for l'aum.

mural of ful amor

oral muf, furm alo-
al om fur,
am ur flo.
for mula, ful amor-
morf al u, u laf mor!

ana gizem, i mange a-z.

gaze aim'n- aganize'm!!
a name zig,
(ie. man zag).

imagen a-z, maze gain-
magazine, gaze main.
amazing e,
a zani gem-
a-z in game, a magi zen!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Unidentified Feeling Object.

Asking me
to describe how
I feel, is like asking my
eyeballs to explain how they see.
I do not have words.
Just feel me for

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

om o erect us

dark weighing
light playing
perceptions sifted
eyes lifted
clear peeking
voice speaking
ears rearing

sound hearing
breath freeing
heart seeing
clean eating
mood beating
pelvis tucked
mind fucked
feet planted
wish granted

Sunday, March 05, 2006

name l't mental

lament men tal
man let net mal
ma nelt tel man
mantel meltan
alm net
né malt
men alt
t'l amen ment al
name l't mental

Friday, March 03, 2006

seeted rap see de trap.

red tea e.s.p.
deep tears.

art de e.s.p., pa steered-
deap reset, past eered.
red sea pet, parted see-
apt seeder, treads pee.
seaped art, seated rep-
date spree, reaped set.
adept seer, preteased-
pester ade, pert eased.
speed rate, a deer step-
pst! readee! perade set.
apes d'etre rested pea-
sted-e pare, sed partee!
teped ears, deep stare -
dates peer, steepd aer.

id gide droo didgeridoo.

dio ode grid

"i do" ridd ego,
i do ride god-
ire dig dood,
i gro dei odd.
odder id ego,
ridded i goo-
i did gooder,

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Bard in the Yard.

Once a cunt
went on a hunt,
to fill her whole desire-
a burning bush,
a tingling tush-
seeking friendly fire.

Upon You she glanced,
her clit, it danced,
sending heat waves higher-
hand felt a gush,
pushin' the bush-
sure beats two birds on wire.

State of the Union address.

i must address,
perhaps confess-
the warmth i feel
for you.

put to a test,
my mind can rest-
i love you
through and through.
'cause in the past,
love didn't last-

i devised an elaborate way,
to distinguish real,
from pain i'd feel-
my body has its say.
i think of you,
my skin feels warm-
i want your body near.
i breathe so deep,
my mind gets nulled-

heart casts away my fear.
no matter when i see your face,
you are a shining light-
the sun for me,
is none but thee,
i trust my own eyesight.
with you in mind,
i feel as kind,
as i can really be.
couldn't push nor pull,
a love so full,
the past is history.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Heaven Scent.

The stench of ill,
the loss of will,
two hearts
that did not blend.
In light of
This, a wiff of bliss
I dread
my truest friend.
'round that foul scent,

my heart was bent-
I can not let you in.
For fear you smell,
that place called Hell

I carry deep within.

I Remember You.

Think not of dates,
as space
time is free-

forgotten sea.

To play in light,
depth and height,
to live
and be-

forgotten we.

Warm bodies whet,

the glean
of sweat,
the time's now

forgotten grace.

The work of Him,
to teach

to swim,
in joy til end-
forgotten friend.