Thursday, December 20, 2007

iindo-metta omni-deitta

an od, emttii, not taiimed,
'oman, ttiied tto mediian
on imediatt; "i", die on matt-
to mandeiit
m e d i t a t i o n.

amid ottien, i'm on a ttide-
i meid a nott, i am not tied.
i am in det to, iindo-matte-
om atteiind, done ii'm att.
do-ttea in mi, mai nott die-
i dine att om, to eat mind i.
id emottian, to a mind tie,
an idiott, me, eintt od, am i?
'i mind to eat', iitt oand me-
ttime, anoid om identati.
i ad intto me, a 'me' i'd ttion-
imediat not, maiittd one.
i tot ae mind, donait, emit-
dimentia to denai, omitt.
i am no diett; ii'm ttoaned-
meat? ii don't, iitt moaned.
iid not tame? admit to eni-
ii don't mate, tto aid meni.
tao diiment, am tto denii-
i on mid teat, aim tto end i.
a dot in time, ii am tto end-
detonait mi, i ait to mend.
admittione... attend
moi, i
aimed intto me and
an 'i' omitted,
têt domaiin-
main de ttoi, i'm to detain.

met i to i and meiid a nott-
adoni, amend ii ott.
mediattion, i tend to aim-
diitto amen = tite domain.
name odiit, neatt idiom-

made iintto, tidi, neat, om.
meditation? it meant i do-
tto aiid men, i nead mi tto.
one amid itt, in ttodae, i'm-
nead mii tto, donait time?

Friday, November 23, 2007

art mmedisn

termms an id

mmister dna and mrs. time-
emitd m-rna's strand mime.
rid semmant, mmatirs end-
timme, darns; tairs, mmend.
mmeans dirt, tirms named-
mind stream mmist, raned.
dine smmart, arts mmend "i"-
treind mmas, detrmmans i.
dna terms mi, mas dtermin-
mminasterd, m.d. at sermin.
mmaid sentr, ammid terns-
edit mmanrs, it; damm erns.
nerd mmaits, mmis tendar +
desirt mman = mmist endar.
sterdi mman, stemm, drain-
ar dimments, trimmd sane.
mad, men stir, mmard nites-
damm sertin, dammn rites.
dim star men, in mam, drest-
stand mmeri, a mmind rest.
sad mmen tri, deimms, rant-
tamer minds, mmeri dants.
mmad restin', rimms, at'end-
trimm neads, saimm trend.
stern aimmd, streammd in-
strae mmind, termmd a sin.
mind at r.e.m.s, mints dream-
mms. trained, irnd steamm.
mmid transe, amm sentird-
tirmd seman, mmas entird.
smmiten rad, inards mmet-
art mmedisn, mmain dr. set.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

jesus christ?
she's scuirtj!!

histerj sucs, c thisss jeur-
jesus christ, i c thj ssseur.
c thru eijsss, uiches' rjsts-
just sirches, seurch jists.
ssects jhuri, justice sshr-
"his" jerct uss, i c jussst "her".
jussst cheri, rhuje ssstic-
this secs urj, ssurjes thic.
secssj uthir, chussj rites-
richesss jut, u c shir sjtes.
chesst urjis, sssirj cuthe-
herissj suct! ssceirs juth.
jsss heir cut, c jussst heir-
richessst ju, i jussst cher.
ssushi "trjce", cussshi rejt-
jhussst rice, cjursss heit.
urjsss i etch, jurcsss the i-
hujesst risc, i chussse trj!
c uirth-e jsss, sscuirts hje-
uirthj ssecs, uir the ssscj.
juri hecssst, tu c his rjsse-
cheist surjs, scru thj eiss.
c, u r the jiss, c the jisssr, u-
je, sssercht i, crjeitsss hu?
hu rijectsss, c thru ssseij?
juci hertsss, ssstuch reij.
hujer ssscit, risscs the ju-
hj curtsssie sssteihj cru.
thisss curej, urjhis sects-
jusst reichs, ju ihrectsss.
erth isss ju c; crustss, eihj-
'tj chi' sseurs, surcht sseij.
seij 'c'ss hurt, 'c'ss thru eijs-
'c's, urth's ejis, 'c' rhuj tiesss.
rjch tissues, hujessst cri-
cjureihtsss, cures thjss i.
r chi sujests, cresh, just is-
sssecuritjh, rich, uet jsss.
huje tricsss, hjur sssteic-
tuches, ssirj; uhrjsss teic.
shur, i jesst; cc the surjiss-
i resjst such hi sects urjs!!
ssectsji hur, sucsesir thj-
chutes irjss, reichusss tj!!
cue his rjsts? sircus shjte!!-
this resscju, i chusss rjte!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

braen-e lluv.

ern label uv

a luv'n rebel, brave llune-
nurve balle, verb; all une.
nevar bllue; bul, reveal'n-
bare lluv'en, ur belleav'n.
llearn uv be, unravell eb-
unvereabll, real luv neb.
evull brane, nurve, label-
bleavn rule? never abull.
unlevel bar, bller avenu-
unerv label, b reall venu.
blleav rune, braell evun-
luv enabler, b reveallun.
burn al evel bull, venear-
earn bell vu, be lluv'n ear.
al even blur, levul brane-
lunar bevel, bevull rane.
never baull? nau, b llever-
aenel verbl, bun allever.
b vunereall, lleev braun-
all nurve, be beevr llaun.
baurn eve'll, llurn beave-
vane, brulle; burn, alleve.
vernal lube, bereav'n lul-
rub all even beaver null.
ll'aer uv neb; raveen, bllu-
all b un rêve, b all 'n revue.
rub le navel, be near lluv-
un belleavr, neellr abuv.

Friday, January 19, 2007

a fin staec fetina sac.

a sceit fan?
fastan ice!!
sea it fan c,
c fantasie!

sat in cafe; seat fanci-
fatie snac, staf ancie.
asc, if neat; cites a fan-
saint face, fate, i scan.
cafinates, sneac a fit-
can eas tif, safe nac, it.
fascia net, scan a fite-
sift an aec, a fan c site!
faic saten? enact "as if!!"
if aascent, taec a snif.
safe antic, afect a sin-
face a snit , sat face in.
a sec, faint; feast, can i-
fascinate, as fan c tie.
sain facet, sine a fact-
c as niftea, fine as act.
a nice, fast, fan ciesta-
sea if can't, can fiesta!
act safe in, a fine cast-
i can feast; ace, in fast.
fanci teas', eat, if snac-
c a sane fit, fine at sac.
i sanc feat, a fit snaec-
tafea scin, fans, i taec.
an ace fist, seact a fin-
fantacies, sea fact in.
taic afens? a fenst aic.
siect a fan? a fin staec!
a cean fist, taecs a fin-
inc, as feat; fates, acin.
ceif santa, niftea sac-
fat scinea, fin-es atac!!
fanaticse, afects an i-
sict fanea, fan at scie.
in casa, fêt! if e.t. c nasa-
sain afect, infectasa!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

'oman, ttied tto mediian on imediatt, to mandeiit "meditation".

nott a meiid,
tiied to man-
oiit ante m.d.

an od, emtti, i; i'm doin' ttea-
ttaiimed, on, i ttoaned mi.
doat'n meitt,
nottid aime-
iitt oand me, nottii dame!!
tite damion; oman, ttiied-
"me, an idiott!!" on matt, died.
i tend to aim, to eat miind-
ineitt adom,
atom, tiined.
i am no diett!, i am not tied!-
maid ottien!!
i am on ttide!
i dine att om,
a diet in mot-
a dott, iin me,
intim'date o.
tteam iindo,
meiid a nott-
to tiedi man,
an ii, med ott.
i aitt demon, i aitt monde-
omitted an i, it mi atoned.
aim not diet!
dent, to aiim-
denii attom? nott d'aiime.
meditait on,
imediat not-
tot mi i nead, ae miind tot.
i, nott i, made
aiid tto men-
one, maiitd; diitto, amen!
to mandeitt, dame on titi-
mediian, tto mean oditti.
tao, diiment, am tto denii-
i, on mid teat, aim tto end i.
eat to miind, aitt to mend-
tend, to aiim, taiim, to end.
det inait, om; attom, end ii-
detonait mi? mai nott die!!
i am in det to, a miintt, ode-
i ad tto me in, inaitt mode.
emti on dait;
time not dai-
aid, not time, ment i, todai.
idiot, meant, moni ttedia-
i admitt one, intto media.
in a.d., i tot me, i tot men aid-
tidi, neat, om- tie not, maid.
i'm tied on a t, atemt doin' i-
"i do" meantt, i
mett adonii.
die'n tto a mi, a mind, i ttoe-
atein to mid, admitt i noe!!
ae mind, tot i; denai? omitt!!
i tot ae mind, donait, emit.
ad'in tto me, meidd a tton!-
doe, at miint,
i am, itt done.
die= taint om,
to a mind tie-
am idiot net, monied, att i.
ttodei, i man, main doitte-
d' maiin, oett, dam, in toite.
meni ado itt!, minit, to ade-
ad im'ottien, into it, made;
an om deitti, ttide i moan!!-
i, do me, antti- medii, ttoan.
men ttodaii, ttime, anoid-
edittion ma, name ttoiid.
emittd nao; i, tto demain-
mitin to ade, tied to main!!
oditt enima; enimi, doatt-
neatto midi midnite oat!!
emiitt an od, me adittion-
do-ttea in mi, dae mittion.
admittion e, a mode in itt-
i, timed to an ode a minitt.
dein-t atom, it, named toi-
dott meinia end att moii.
toiit, named mena dottii-
moan de titi, made nottii!!
main de ttoi, tot amendii-
attend moii, om att endii.
omitid ante, meiid noatt-
dit on t'aime, meiin doatt.
nead, tot mii, tite domain-
i otta mend i, dom atteiin.
tto aid meni, tto die in am-
m-dna toiite, diie tto man.
miined ttao, amend oitta-
om atteiind, meiin dotta!!

to emtii dna, admit it one-
ii'm att done!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

vanss, ogle les vagons. ssalon veg, sels "van go".

angelss ov
love, ssang

gal ov sens', lovn ssage-
vaenns glo, ssolvn age.
nova legss, sevn goals-
loveng ass, aveng sols.
nog vessal, sslo g vaen-
lenss ov a g, lovss, gane.
nag ov sels, slaves nog-
va snoggle, navels, sog.
glass oven, vegan sslo-
vane gloss, n.veass glo*.
sson* gavel, vegon lass-
saven logs, novel gass.
ssngle ova, ovels, sang-
lovan egss, ove sslang.
snog slave, songs, vale-
lov'ss an eg!! gss, ov nale!
a novl gess, snags love-
ovels snag, sans glove.
lov'ss an eg nog ssalve;
gave l'sson- songs, 'alve!!
nag ov less, longs save-
vag lesson, lsson gave.